1994 - 2000 Special Year on
Mathematical Support for Molecular Biology


Locations of Events: Events are to be held at CoRE Building, Busch Campus, Rutgers University, except as noted.

Special Year Seminar Series:

Starting in September, 1995, there will be a special year seminar every Monday at 11 A.M., except when there is a workshop, miniworkshop, or Distinguished Lecture Series Lecture scheduled. Most seminars will be at Rutgers, but some will be at the Princeton University Computer Science Building or at the Waksman Institute for Molecular Genetics at Rutgers, and others will be at the Genome Center at University of Pennsylvania.

August 1994:

Tutorials in Molecular Biology and Computational Molecular Biology Week of Aug. 15: Introduction to Molelcular Biology for Non-Experts (Lectures by William Sofer)

Weeks of Aug. 22 and 29: Current Computational and Mathematical Approaches to Biological Problems and Current Topics in Biocomputing (Lectures by Martin Farach and Michiel Noordewier)

Week of Sept. 5: Biological Maps: A Guided Tour (Lectures by David Axelrod)

  • Kickoff of Distinguished Lecture Series: Michael Waterman
    September 16, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Leroy Hood
    September 22, 1994 thru September 23, 1994
    September 22, 1994 - Waksman Institute
    September 23, 1994 - DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Daniel Gusfield
    September 28, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Workshop on DNA Mapping
    October 6, 1994 thru October 9, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Samuel Karlin
    October 20, 1994 thru October 21, 1994
    October 20, 1994 - Waksman Institute
    October 21, 1994 - DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Temple Smith
    November 3, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Workshop on Combinatorial Structures in Molecular Biology
    November 4, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Workshop on Sequence Alignment
    November 10, 1994 thru November 12, 1994
    Princeton University
    Princeton, New Jersey

  • Workshop on DNA Topology and Structure
    December 9, 1994
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Joachim Messing
    January 20, 1995
    Waksman Institute - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Richard Karp
    February 3, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Phylogeny Workshop
    February 6, 1995 thru February 8, 1995
    Princeton University
    Princeton, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: Eric Lander - TO BE RESCHEDULED -
    March 10, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Workshop on Global Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions: Molecular Conformation and Protein Folding - including a Distinguished Lecture Series Lecture by Herbert Hauptman
    March 20, 1995 thru March 21, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Mini-Workshop on Antibody Structure and Sequence
    March 22, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Mini-Workshop on Sequence-Based Methods for Protein Folding
    March 24, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • DNA Based Computers: A Mini DIMACS Workshop
    April 4, 1995
    E-Quad, Olden Street - Princeton University
    Princeton, New Jersey

  • Distinguished Lecture Series: (two lectures) by Charles Cantor
    April 17, 1995 thru April 18, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Workshop on HIV Sequence Analysis
    May 3, 1995 thru May 5, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Mini-Workshop on Geometrical Methods for Conformational Modeling
    August 2, 1995 thru August 3, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Algorithm Implementation Challenge Workshop: Two Problems in Computational Biology: Fragment Assembly and Genome Rearrangements.
    September 14, 1995 thru September 15, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Mini-Workshop on the Mathematics of Drug Discovery
    September 21, 1995 thru September 22, 1995
    DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey

  • Mini-Workshop on Gene Finding & Gene Prediction
    October 14, 1995 thru October 15, 1995.
    Genome Center - University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • 2nd Sandia National Laboratories Workshop on Computational Molecular Biology
    March 4-6, 1996
    Albuquerque, NM
    In Collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories

  • Workshop on Computational Biology, as part of the 50th Anniversary of ENIAC, organized in collaboration with DIMACS
    May 17-19, 1996
    To be held at Princeton University

  • 2nd Annual Workshop on DNA BASED COMPUTERS
    June 10-12, 1996
    Princeton University
    Princeton, New Jersey

  • Workshop on Mathematical Hierarchy and Biology
    Date: November 13-15, 1996
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey
    Organizer: Boris Mirkin, DIMACS Center
    Email: mirkin@dimacs.rutgers.edu

  • Workshop on Computational and Physical Aspects of Protein Folding and Related Problems
    Will be two days of the December 15-17 Statistical Mechanics Conference at Rutgers.
    Date: December 15 - 17, 1996
    Location: Hill Center, Room 114
    Busch Campus, Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey
    Organizers: Joel L. Lebowitz, Shura Grossberg, Mona Singh, Scott Decatur
    E-mail: lebowitz@math.rutgers.edu

  • Workshop on DNA Topology II
    Date: April 3-4, 1997
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Piscataway, New Jersey
    Organizers: Wilma Olson, Bernard Coleman, Tamar Schlick and Irwin Tobias
    E-mail: olson@rutchem.rutgers.edu

  • Third Annual DIMACS Meeting for DNA Computers
    Date: June 23-26, 1997
    Location: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
    Organizers: Harvey Rubin, Len Adleman, Anne Condon, Richard Lipton, David Wood, Carter Bancroft
    E-mail: rubinh@mail.med.upenn.edu, adleman@pollux.usc.edu, condon@cs.washington.edu, rjl@cs.princeton.edu, wood@ren.eecis.udel.edu, cbancro@smtplink.mssm.edu
    Information for Workshop: http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~dna3/

  • Joint DIMACS/Universidad de Buenos Aires Tutorial on Computational Biology
    Part of the yearly Escuela de Ciencias Informaticas
    Date: July 21-26, 1997
    Location: University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Information for Workshop (in Spanish): http://www.dc.uba.ar/eci.html

  • mmCIF Software Developers' Workshop
    Date: October 17-19, 1997
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Organizers: Helen M. Berman, Paula Fitzgerald, John Westbrook
    Email: workshop@ndb.rutgers.edu
    Information for workshop: http://ndb.rutgers.edu/workshop/

  • Minisymposium on Advances in Phylogenetics Inference Methods
    Date: March 20, 1998
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Organizers: Daniel Huson, Shibu Yooseph
    Email: huson@math.princeton.edu, yooseph@dimacs.rutgers.edu

  • DIMACS Symposium on Estimating Large Scale Phylogenies: Biological,Statistical, and Computational Problems
    June 26-28, 1998
    Princeton University, Computer Science Department
    Organizers: Tandy Warnow, University of Pennsylvania, Junhyong Kim, Yale University, Ken Rice, SmithKline Beecham
    Email: tandy@central.cis.upenn.edu, junhyong_kim@quickmail.yale.edu, krice@saul.cis.upenn.edu
    Jointly sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Program in Computational Biology and the DIMACS Special Year in Mathematical Support of Molecular Biology

  • DIMACS Workshop: Combinatorial Clustering and Multi-Domain Protein Structure Analysis
    Dates: June 26 - 27, 1998
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Organizers: Sylvia Spengler, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs; Manfred D. Zorn, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs; Inna Dubchak, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs; Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University; Ilya Muchnik, Rutgers University; Casimir A. Kulikowski, Rutgers University
    Email: muchnik@dimacs.rutgers.edu

  • DIMACS: 9th Annual Conference on Combinatorial Pattern Matching
    Date: July 20 - 21, 1998
    Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
    Program Chair: Martin Farach, Bell labs and Rutgers University, farach@research.bell-labs.com
    Coference Chair: Udi Manber, University of Arizona, udi@cs.arizona.edu

    Joachim Messing and Fred Roberts (chairs),
    Lawrence Shepp and Michael Waterman (co-chairs),
    Martin Farach (assistant chair).

    Further information: special@dimacs.rutgers.edu, (732) 445-5928

    Index Index of the Special Year on Mathematical Support for Molecular Biology
    DIMACS Home Page
    Contacting the Center
    Document last modified on February 2, 2000.