A Selection of Recent Talks by F.S. Roberts
A Selection of Recent Talks by F.S. Roberts
(this is
not complete and I apologize that not all talks listed here are
available electronically)
Mathematique de la planete Terre
(Talk at University of Paris-Dauphine on the occasion of being awarded
Docteur Honoris Causa, June 2013.)
Modeling the Impact of Complex, Multi-Vector Disruptions to the Marine Transportation System (MCAT)
(US Coast Guard Board of Inquiry Convened after the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, Baltimore, November 2024)
Risk Assessment for Integrated Cyber and Physical Attacks on Stadiums and Transportation Systems
(Invited presentation at ADSA28: Building Effective Security for Soft Targets, Notheastern University, Boston, MA, November 2024)
Risk Assessment for Integrated Cyber and Physical Attacks on Critical Infrastructure
(Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Santa Rosa, CA, April 2024)
Meaningful, Useful, and Legitimate Information in the Use of Index Numbers in Decision Making
(Invited presentation to workshop on Meaningful, Useful, Legitimate Information in Decision Making, LAMSADE, Paris, December 2023)
Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Football to Oil Rigs
(Invited presentation to Interagency Task Group on Cyber-Physical Systems (co-chaired by CISA, USACE, NSF), April 2023 [virtual])
Modeling the Impact of Complex, Multi-Vector Disruptions to the Marine Transportation System (MCAT)
- Version 1: Invited lunch and learn webinar, US Committee on the Marine Transportation System (interagency committee based at Dept. of Transportation), February 2023 [virtual].
- Version 2: Invited presentation to Interagency (US Government) Committee on the Supply Chain, March 2023 [virtual].
- Version 3: Invited presentation to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Resilience Services Branch, April 2023 [virtual].
- Version 4: Invited presentation, Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 2023.
- Version 5: Invited presentation to ESF-1 Working Group of the FEMA Region X Regional Interagency Steering Committee, February 2023 [virtual]
- Version 6: Invited presentation, Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 2024
- Version 7: US Coast Guard Waterways Management, October 2024
Graph-theoretical Models of the Spread and Control of Disease and of Fighting Fires
- Version 1: Plenary talk at International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications to Combinatorics, Optimization and Data Science, Cheju Island, Korea, December 2022 [virtual].
- Version 2: Invited talk at International Conference on Data Analysis, Optimization and their Applications, Moscow, January 2023 [virtual].
Complex Economic Consequence Analysis to Protect the Maritime Infrastructure
(IEEE Homeland Security Technologies Conference, virtual, November 2022; winner of best paper award)
Sustainable Electrical Power Systems
(Invited talk at workshop on Human-Machine Collaboration in a Changing World, Paris, December 2022 [virtual])
Macroeconomic Impacts on the U.S. of Maritime Supply-Chain Shocks Associated with the War in Ukraine
(Western Economic Association Meetings, virtual, July 2022)
AI and Homeland Security
(Colloquium on AI4IA : Artificial Intelligence for Intelligence Analysis, City College of New York, February 2022. [virtual])
Complex Multi-vector Disruptions of the Supply Chain
(SciDataCon Conference, October 2021 [virtual])
AI and Disasters
(Conference on Transformative Disaster Risk Governance, York University, Toronto, Canada, April 2021. [virtual])
Supply Chains: How the World is Interconnected & How "Black Swan Events" Can Leave us without Critical Supplies When we Need Them
(Webinar talk at DHS University Centers of Excellence Summit Student TTX Session, April 2021. [virtual])
New Mathematically-based Tools of Systems Analysis and Related Decision Support Applications
(Conference on Systems Analysis in Eurasia, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, April 2021. [virtual])
Meaningless Statements About Performance of Intelligent Machines in Emergency Management
(Seminar talk at Missouri University of Science and Technology, November 2020.)
Meaningless Statements in Performance Measurement for Intelligent Machines
(Seminar talk at Tufts, May 2020.)
Resilience in Complex Linked Systems
(Invited talk at Workshop on Big Data and Systems Analysis, International Institute for Systems Analysis, Vienna, February 2020.)
Socially Responsible Facial Recognition of Animals
(Invited talk at Workshop on Social Responsibility of Algorithms, Paris, December 2019.)
Combined Cyber and Physical Attacks on the Maritime Transportation System
(Keynote talk at NATO Maritime Cyber Security Conference, Crete, April 2019.)
Combined Cyber and Physical Attacks on the Maritime Transportation System (Risk Assessment)
- Version 1:Society for Risk Analysis, New Orleans, December 2018.
- Version 2: Society for Benefit and Cost Analysis, Washington, DC, March 2018.
i-Group Learning and i-Detect for Dynamic Anomaly Detection with Applications in Maritime Threat Detection
(2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST'18), Woburn, MA, October 2018.)
Automated Biometric Identification of Individual Cheetahs and Leopards
(Workshop on Automated Biometric Identification of Individual Cheetahs and Leopards, Duke University, August 2018.)
Global Challenges and Big Data
(Keynote talk at International Conference on Global Challenges and Data-driven Science,
Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 2017.)
Meaningful and Meaningless Statements Using Metrics for the Border Condition
(2016 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, Boston, May 2016) (winner of Best Paper Award)
Trend Flagging to Aid Resource Allocation Decisions
(talk at Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Kauai, April 2018)
Combined Cyber and Physical Attacks on the Maritime Transportation System
- Version
1: Invited talk at Cyber Security Workshop, US Coast Guard Sector Long Island
Sound, Niantic, CT, December 2017.
- Version 2: Drew University, March 2018.
- Version 3: Invited Breakfast Talk at Annual Meeting of Society for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Providence, October 2018.
Avoiding Bias in Implementations of Randomized Protocols in Security Screening
(Workshop on Social Responsibility of Algorithms, U. of Paris Dauphine, December
Venue Public Security & Stadium Access Security
- Version
1: Invited plenary talk at TSA-NPPD Public Area Security Summit, Tyson's
Corner, VA, April 2017.
- Version 2: Plenary talk at Workshop on Advanced Development for Security
Applications, Northeastern University, May 2017.
What is Big Data and How has it Changed?
(Invited talk at International Conference on Data Intensive Systems
Analysis for Geohazard Studies, Sochi, Russia, July 2016.)
Stadium Best Practices and BIG Ten Standards
(Big Ten Emergency Management and Special Events Conference, Big Ten Security Directors, Rutgers University, August 2015)
Mathematics of Planet Earth
(Willie B. Rajanna Memorial Lecture, Morgan State University, April
Mathematics of Planet
Earth: Natural Disasters
(Workshop on MPE: Natural Disasters, Georgia Tech, May 2015.)
Vulnerabilities of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Football to Oil Rigs
- Version
1: Plenary talk at International Conference on Cyber Security, Fordham
University, Jan. 2015
- Version 2: Lecture to Rutgers College Class of 1961, Rutgers Day, April 2016
- Version 3: Keynote talk at Conference on Cyber Security Community Awareness,
Kean University, October 2017.
Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE): Education for the Planet Earth
of Tomorrow
(Workshop on MPE: Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, NIMBioS, University of Tennessee, September 2015)
Mathematics of Planet Earth: Management of Natural Resources
(Workshop on MPE: Management of Natural Resources, Howard University, June 2015)
The Little-known Challenge of Maritime Cyber Security
- Version 1: 6th International Conference on Information,
Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 1st International Workshop
on Modeling, Computing and Data Handling for Marine Transportation,
Corfu, Greece, July 2015
- Version 2: INFORMS National Meeting, Philadelphia, November 2015
Data and Citizen Science
(Plenary talk, International Workshop on Citizen Science, Paris, December 2015)
Boat Allocations, Football Inspections, Cargo Handling,
and Nuclear Detection with Taxis: Examples of Model Validation,
Conference on Validation: What is it?
(University of California - Irvine, February 2015)
Analytical Approaches to Aviation Security at CCICADA
(CREATE-TSA Summer Symposium, July 2015)
Stadium Security
(National Football League Annual Security Meeting, Carlsbad, CA, June 2014)
Algorithmic Decision Theory and the Smart Grid
- Version
1: Workshop "Toward the Smart Grid," Lehigh University, January 2012
- Version
2: Workshop on Mathematics of Planet Earth: Data-Aware Energy Use, University of California, San Diego, September 2014
Mathematics of Planet Earth: Sustainable Human Environments
- Version
1: MPE2013+ Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities, Arizona State University, Jan. 2014
- Version
2: MPE2013+ workshop on Sustainable Human Environments, DIMACS, April 2014
- Version
3: CCICADA Retreat at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May 2014
Competition Graphs and Food Webs: Some of My Favorite Conjectures
(American Mathematical Society Special Session on My Favorite Graph
Theory Conjectures, Baltimore, MD, Jan. 2014)
Defending Against H1N1 Virus, Smallpox, and Other Naturally
Occurring or Deliberately Caused Diseases: How Can Graph Theory
- Version 1: NAM Mathfest, Washington, DC, November 2009
- Version 2: Math for
America, NYU, January 2010
- Version
3: Colloquium at West Chester University, October 2013
- Version
4: New York Area Graph Theory Day, Rutgers University, April 2014
The Trend Toward Convergence of Physical and Logical (Cyber) Security
(Conference on Cyber/Homeland Security - Opportunities for U.S.-Israel Partnerships, New Jersey Inst. of Technology, Jan. 2014)
My Collaborations with Paul Kantor: From the Paper Neither of Us Can
Access to Fish
(Fusion Fest: Marrying Methods to Solve Real-world Problems, Rutgers University, October 2014)
Meaningless Statements in Epidemiology
- Version 1:
Talk at Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases in
Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2007
- Version 2
(revised): REU Seminar at Rutgers, June 2009
- Version 3
(new version): Advanced Study
Institute in Economic Epidemiology, Makerere University, Kampala,
Uganda, July 2009
- Version
4: Tutorial at INFORMS National Meeting, Austin, TX, November 2010
- Version
5: Conference on Meaningfulness and Learning Spaces:
A Tribute to the Work of Jean-Claude Falmagne, UC Irvine, Feb. 2014
- Version
6: Seminar at RPI, December 2018.
Homeland Security: What Can Data Science Do?
(University of Texas-San Antonio, Jan. 2015)
Decision Theory and Risk-based Decision Making in the Maritime Environment
(National Strategic Maritime Risk Conference, Purdue University, November 2013.)
Estimating Violation Risk for Fisheries Regulations
(Third International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Brussels,
Belgium, November 2013.)
Consensus List Colorings of Graphs
- Version 1: Workshop on Algorithmic Information Fusion and Data Mining (WAIFDM), DIMACS, September 2013.
- Version 2:
Atlanta Lecture Series in Combinatorics and Graph Theory
XIII, November 2014
Mathematics of
Planet Earth, Homeland Security, and Algorithmic Decision Theory
(Workshop on Urban Planning for Climate Events, DIMACS, September 2013.)
How Policy Analytics
Leads to "Changes in the Culture": Examples from Homeland Security
(Workshop on Conception Innovante des Politiques Publiques, University
of Paris-Dauphine, June 2013.)
The Tradeoff between Security and Commerce in Urban Areas
(Plenary talk at conference on Tools for Group Decision
(OPDE)/Optimization Days, Montreal, May 2013.)
Scoring Rules for Fisheries Rules Violations
(Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Fusion, DIMACS, November 2012)
Meaningless Statements in Landscape Ecology and Environmental Sustainability
- Version 1: Workshop on Quantitative Ecology and Sustainable Environments, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, July 2012
- Version 2:
DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, September 2012
- Version 3:
International Workshop on Clusters, Orders, Trees: Methods
and Applications, in Honor of Professor Boris Mirkin, Moscow, Russia,
December 2012.
Algorithmic Decision Theory and the Port Reopening Scheduling Problem
(Maritime Risk Symposium, Rutgers, November 2011)
Algorithmic Decision Theory and Smart Cities
(Workshop on Smart Cities, Paris, 2011)
Homeland Security: What Can Mathematics Do?
(DIMACS/CCICADA/DHS Student Conference on Discrete Mathematics: One
Way to Exciting Careers in Homeland Security, July, 2011)
Algorithmic Decision Theory and Sustainability
(Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies for
Sustainability (WICS), held in Conjunction with IEEE SECON 2011, Salt
Lake City, June 2011)
Sensor Management for Nuclear Defense - Layered Defense
- Version 1: Domestic Nuclear Detection Academic Research Initiative Conference April 2011
- Version 2:
Domestic Nuclear Detection Academic Research Initiation Conference July 2012
US -China Computer Science Leadership Summits
(Workshop on Effective Engagement and Collaboration of US CISE - China Researchers, Arlington, VA, May 2011)
Urban Commerce and Security Study (UCASS)
- Version 1: DHS University Programs Summit, Washington, DC, March 2011
- Version 2:
Visual Analytics Community (VAC) Consortium May 2011 Meeting, U. of
Maryland, May 2011
- Version 3:
Technologies for Incident Preparedness Conference, National Harbor, MD, September 2011
Algorithmic Decision Theory for the Smart Grid
(Workshop on Algorithmic Decision Theory for the Smart Grid, DIMACS, October 2010)
Data Science Challenges for Homeland Security
(Plenary talk at Visual Analytics Summer School, Middlesex University, London, UK, September 2010)
Measurement of Biodiversity
- Version 1: Advanced Study Institute in Conservation Biology, Southern African
Wildlife College, Hoedspruit, South Africa, August 2010
- Version 2: Workshop on Evidence-based Policy Making, University of
Paris Dauphine, December 2010
- Version 3: Special
Session Mathematics of Planet Earth: Energy, Population, Sustainability, at Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, January 2013
Competition Graphs and the Dimensions of Biodiversity
- Version 1: Workshop on
Conservation Biology, Southern African Wildlife College, Hoedspruit,
South Africa, August 2010
- Version
2: CCICADA/DIMACS Interdisciplinary Seminar, October 2011
Port Resilience
(Talk at Dept. of Homeland Security University Network Summit, Washington, DC, March 2010)
Measurement of Pollution
(tutorial at First International Conference on Algorithmic Decision
Theory, Venice, Italy, October 2009)
it Pays to be Greedy: Greedy Algorithms in Economic Epidemiology
(Advanced Study Institute in Economic Epidemiology, Makerere
University, Kampala, Uganda, July 2009)
Epidemiology: An
Operations Research Approach
(Advanced Study Institute in Economic Epidemiology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, July 2009)
Why BioMath? Why Now?
(DIMACS BioMath Connect Institute, July 2009)
Why BioMath? Why Now? (BioMath in the Classroom)
(Plenary talk at Conference on Mathematics and Biology: The New
Educational Synergy, SUNY Farmingdale, April 2009)
Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection: Finding Optimal Binary
Decision Trees
- Version 1: Plenary talk at 40th Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, Florida, March 2009
- Version 2: Plenary talk at
Meeting of NYC Section of the Mathematical Association of America, May
- Version 3: Plenary talk at Visual Analytics Summer School, Middlesex
University, London, UK, September 2010.
Boolean Functions I Have
Known and Not Known (Memories of Peter L. Hammer)
(talk at Workshop on Boolean and Pseudo-Boolean Functions in
Memory of Peter L. Hammer, January 2009)
Climate and Disease
(talk at Modeling the Impact of Policy Options during Public Health Crises, Banff International Research Station, July 2008)
How Modelers can Help Policymakers before and during Health Crises (The Case of TOPOFF 3)
(talk at Modeling the Impact of Policy Options during Public Health Crises, Banff International Research Station, July 2008)
Voting Problems and Computer Science Applications
(talk at Math Awareness Month Workshop on Mathematics and Voting
Theory, New Jersey City University, April 2008)
Decision Support for Port of Entry Inspection
(semimar at Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC, January 2008)
Algorithms for Port of Entry
Inspection for WMDs (Also: REU Seminar at DIMACS, July 2008)
(Minisymposium on Discrete Sciences Applications in Homeland Security, Rutgers University, September 2007)
(Also, at "BuckFest! A Conference in Honor of F.R. "Buck" McMorris, Illinois Institute of Technology, May 2008)
Applications of Measurement Theory/Meaningfulness in Epidemiology/Public Health
(Plenary talk at European Mathematical Psychology Group meeting,
Luxembourg, September 2007, and at MINET - European Commission
Measuring the Impossible Network Training Course, Genoa, Italy, June
Why Bio-Math? Why Now?
- Version 1: DIMACS BioMath Connection Field Testers Workshop, July 2007
- Version 2: DIMACS BioMath Connection Field Testers Workshop, July 2008
Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection for WMDs
(Talk at DyDAn program on Mathematics and Homeland Security for High School Teachers, May 2007).
Locating Sensors to Detect Chem, Bio, or Nuclear Threats
(Talk at DyDAn program on Mathematics and Homeland Security for High School Teachers, May 2007).
Computer Science and Decision Making
(Talk at Workshop on Voting Theory and Preference Modeling, University of Paris - Dauphine, October 2006).
New Challenges for Modelers of Infectious Diseases of Africa
(Talk at Workshop on on Facing the Challenge of Infectious Diseases in Africa: The Role of Mathematical Modeling in Johannesburg, South Africa, September 2006).
Measurement of Pollution
(Two hour tutorial at MAA Shortcourse on Environmental Modeling, Knoxville, 8-06).
Social Choice and Computer Science
- Version 1: Semi-plenary talk at EUROXXI (21st European Conference on
Operations Research sponsored by the Association of European
Operational Research Societies, EURO), Rekjavik, Iceland, July 2006
- Version 2: REU
Seminar, DIMACS, June 2010
Computer Science and the Socioeconomic Sciences
(Presentation at Xi'An Xiaotong University, Xi'An, China, 5-06).
Consensus List Colorings and Physical Mapping of DNA
- Version 1: Rota Lecture at International Conference on the Interconnections
Among Codes, Designs, Graphs and Molecular Biology, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Version 2: Combinatorial Challenges 2006 (A Meeting
in Celebration of Pavol Hell's 60th Birthday, Victoria, BC, Canada), 5-06
- Version 3: Allegheny Mountain Section Meeting of the Mathematical
Association of America, 4-07
Insightful Understanding of China's Higher Education and Research in Computer Science and Information Technology
(At Opening Ceremony for NSF Beijing Office, Beijing, China, 5-06).
Research Centers
(At US-China Computer Science Leadership Summit, Beihang University, Beijing, China, 5-06).
(DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Combinatorial Challenges Conference, 4-06).
Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection for WMDs
(Conference on Mathematical Methods in Counter-terrorism, Columbia, SC, 11-05).
Shorter version at INFORMS Special Session on Diagnosis Models for Port of Entry Inspections, San Francisco, 11-05.
Graph-theoretical Problems Arising from Defending Against Bioterrorism and Controlling the Spread of Fires:
- Version 1: Talk at DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Combinatorial Challenges Conference, 4-06
- Version 2: Talk at DyDAn program on Mathematics and Homeland Security for High School Teachers, May 2007
- Version 3: Talk at DIMACS/AIMS/SACEMA Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases of Africa, at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Muizenberg, South Africa, June 2007.
Graph-theoretic Models of the Spread and Control of Disease and of Fighting Fires
- Version 1: Presentation at DIMACS Bio-Math Connect Institute, 7-05.
- Version 2: Stewart-Dowart Lecture, Trinity College, 3-06
- Version 3: Charles Franke Memorial Lecture, Seton Hall University, 4-08
Decision Support Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection
(Presentation at DHS meeting on "Research and Development Partnerships in Homeland Security", Boston, 4-05)
On Balanced Signed Graphs and Consistent Marked Graphs
(Lecture at Workshop on Graph Colorings and their Generalizations, Renyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 4-05)
Graph-Theoretical Models of the Spread and Control of Disease
(Talk at Seminar on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology, DIMACS, 10-04)
The Theory of Measurement and its Applications
(6 hours of tutorial lectures at DIMACS Working Group Meeting on Order-theoretic Aspects of Epidemiology, DIMACS, 3-05)
Homeland Security: What Can Mathematics Do?
(Luncheon briefing for Members of Congress and Staff, House Office
Building, Washington, DC, sponsored by American Mathematical Society,
Competition Graphs of Semiorders
- Version 1: Falmagne Festschrift at the Society for Mathematical Psychology Annual Meeting, 8-04
- Version 2: Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory, Paris, 10-04
- Version
3: Conference on Probabilistic Combinatorics and Algorithms: A Conference in Honor of Joel Spencer's 60th Birthday, 4-06
The RNA Detective Game: Finding RNA Chains From Fragments
- Version 1: DIMACS Biomath Connect Institute Meeting, 7-04
- Version 2: DIMACS
Biomath Connect Institute Meeting, 7-06
Role Assignments and Social Networks
(Brest, France Minisymposium 10-04, MAA NJ Section Meeting 3/04, DIMACS-DIMATIA-Renyi Meeting on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Combinatorics, Budapest, 4/04 and RPI colloquium)
Homeland Security Research at DIMACS
(Seminar at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2-05)
Homeland Security: What Can Mathematics Do?
(Precalculus Conference, 3/04)
Information Processing in the Biological Organism (A Systems Biology Approach)
(Report on a Workshop of the same name, at BISTI Symposium, NIH, 11-03)
Overview of Homeland Security Research at Rutgers
(State of New Jersey Symposium on Homeland Security Research, 10-03)
Telecom Research at Rutgers University
(NJ Commission on Jobs, Growth, and Economic Development, 7-03)
The Bioterrorism Sensor Location Problem
(Modeling and Prediction of Disease Conference 3/03; also Los Alamos National Lab 5/03)
The Tree of Life: Challenges for Discrete Math and Theoretical Computer Science
(DIMACS Tree of Life Workshop 3/03)
Mathematics and Bioterrorism: Graph-Theoretical Models of Spread and Control of Disease
(DIMACS Connect Institute 7/02 and talks at West Point Discrete Math Meeting 10/02 and colloquia at Colgate and Montclair State)
Challenges for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science in the Defense Against Bioterrorism
(SIAM Meeting, 7/02)
Consensus List Coloring and Physical Mapping of DNA
("Rota Lecture" at Conference on the Interconnections among Codes, Designs, Graphs, and Molecular Biology, Taiwan, 5/02; also at International Conference on Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis, Irvine, CA, 8/03, and DIMACS-DIMATIA-Renyi Meeting on Generalizations of Graph Coloring 10-03)
Modeling and Bioterrorism: Why Model?
(Conference on Mathematical Modeling of the Spread of Selected Bioterrorism Agents, MITRE Corporation, 3/02)
Voting, Metasearch, and Bioconsensus
(NY Academy of Science Distinguished Scientist Lecture, 5/01; also at U. of South Carolina and U. of Paris IX)
On Social Justice, International Relations, the Analysis of Literature, and the Study of Social Networks and Communication Networks (or: On Balanced Signed Graphs and Consistent Marked Graphs)
(seminars at DIMATIA in Prague, DIMACS REU program, and elsewhere)
**(sorry, not available electronically right now)
Meaningless Statements
(Numerous seminars/colloquia, including Waterloo, Telcordia, Duke, and DIMACS REU seminar)
** (sorry, not available electronically right now)
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Document last modified on January 17, 2024.