Resources for Grant Funding, Fellowships, Etc.
Research Policy Resources:
These provide meta-information about funding: policy statements,
directions, etc. Some of these sites also lead to other agencies
and foundations.
- NAS:
The National Academy of Sciences advises the US government on
science and technology issues. Joint page with NAE, IOM and NRC.
- HPCC: The
High Performance Computing and Computing Initiative gives
overall direction to a lot of funding agencies for computer science.
Federal Research Grants:
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration.
See also: DARPA Information Technology
- DOE:
Department of Energy.
Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division.
- ED:
Department of Education.
EPA High Performance Computing and Communications.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration advances science
and technology for aeronautics and space activities.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is increasingly
an agency for knowledge transfer to industry.
- NIST: Welcome
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The National Security Agency funds basic research in mathematics
and computer science.
- NSF:
The National Science Foundation
funds basic research in mathematics and computer science.
This site offers calls for proposals, awards, and results of projects.
Touch here for the gopher site.
Custom Information system from NSF
The Office of Naval Research.
- The White House:
Health Related Federal Agencies:
- CDC:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- DOE:
The Department of Energy funds molecular biology activities too.
See also DOE's
server under FEDIX.
- NIH:
The National Institutes of Health funds molecular biology activities.
- NIH - National Library of Medicine
Funds projects in information management for health and medical areas.
Education Programs:
- ED:
Department of Education.
Private Sector:
State Sector:
DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on April 2, 1998.