DIMACS Distinguished Lecture Series

September 16, 1994 (SYMB)
Michael Waterman
Professor of Mathematics and Biological Sciences
at the University of Southern California
Title: Discrete Mathematics and Molecular Biology
September 22 & 23 1994 (SYMB)
Leroy Hood, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Biotechnology
University of Washington
Title, Sept. 22: Biotechnology: the Challenge of Deciphering and Manipulating Biological Information
Title, Sept. 23: Computational Challenges in the Human Genome Project
September 28, 1994 (SYMB)
Daniel M. Gusfield
Professor of Computer Science
University of California, at Davis
Title: What role for discrete string algorithms and algorithmists in molecular biology?
October 20 & 21 1994 (SYMB)
Samuel Karlin
Stanford University
Title, Oct. 20: Assessments of Heterogeneities in DNA Sequences
Title, Oct. 21: Statistical Studies of Biomolecular Sequences: Score Based Methods
November 3, 1994 (SYMB)
Temple Smith
Boston University
Title: Challenges of Utilizing Structural Information in Protein Function Identification
January 20, 1995 (SYMB)
Joachim Messing
Professor of Molecular Biology
Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University
Title: Mechanisms That Lead to Genetic Diversity
February 3, 1995 (SYMB)
Richard Karp
University of California, Berkeley
Title: Algorithms for Physical Mapping of DNA Molecules
April 17 & 18, 1995 (SYMB)
Charles Cantor
Boston University
Title, April 17: Efficient Protocols for DNA Mapping
Title, April 18: The Future of DNA Sequencing
October 2, 1995 (SYLA)
Neil Immerman
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Title: Descriptive Complexity and Dynamic Complexity
November 10, 1995 (SYLA)
Joel Spencer
New York University
Title: Almost Always, Almost Never, Rarely in Between
January 19, 1996 (SYLA)
Ronald Fagin
IBM Almaden
Title: Finite-Model Theory - A Personal Perspective
March 11, 1996 (SYLA)
Steve Cook
University of Toronto
Title: Finding Hard Instances for the Satisfiability Problem
March 22, 1996 (SYLA)
Ed Clarke
Carnegie Mellon University
Title: Model Checking and Symmetry
April 29, 1996 (SYLA)
Alexander Razborov
Steklov Mathematical Institute
Title: Lower Bounds for Propositional Proofs and Independence Results in Bounded Arthmetic
July 23, 1996 (SYLA)
Vaughan Pratt
Stanford University
Title: Chu Spaces: Smart Behavior from Simple Objects
October 4, 1996 (Focus on DP)
Christian Borgs
University of Leipzig, visiting AT&T
Title: Birth of a Discontinuity: Finite-Size Scaling in Magnetic Systems and Lattice Gases
October 4, 1996 (Focus on DP)
Jennifer Chayes
University of California at Los Angeles, visiting AT&T
Title: Birth of the Infinite Cluster: Finite Scaling in Percolation
October 22, 1996 (Focus on DP)
Bela Bollobas
Trinity College Cambridge and University of Memphis
Title: Combinatorial Methods in Oriented Percolation
November 25, 1996 (Focus on DP)
Noga Alon
Tel Aviv University and IAS, Princeton
Title: Randomness and Pseudo-Randomness in Discrete Mathematics
February 28, 1997 (Focus on DP)
Jacob van den Berg
CWI, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Title: Percolation, Mixing and Coupling
April 11, 1997 (Focus on DP)
Vera T. Sos
Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Title: Order, Disorder and What is Between
December 3, 1998
3:00pm, CoRE 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Eva Tardos
Cornell University
Title: An approximation algorithm for the k-median problem, and other clustering problems
December 8, 1998 (SY-LSDO)
3:00pm, CoRE 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Noga Alon
IAS and Tel Aviv University
Title: Efficient testing of large graphs
February 18, 1999 (SY-LSDO)
3:00pm, CoRE 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Leonard Schulman
Georgia Tech
Title: Clustering for Edge-Weight Minimization
April 7, 1999 (SY-LSDO)
4:00pm, CoRE 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Egon Balas
Carnegie Mellon University
Title: On the Aysmmetric Traveling Salesman Polytope
April 13, 1999 (DIMACS Distinguished Lecture Series)
3:00 - 4:00pm, CoRE 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Timothy Gowers
University of Cambridge
Title: Arithmetic progressions of length three
April 14, 1999 (SY-LSDO)
3:00pm, CoRE, 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Marek Karpinski
University of Bonn
Title: Approximating Dense Instances of NP-Hard Optimization Problems: A Taxonomy of Dense Optimization
October 26, 2000 (Focus on CMB)
Time: TBA, CoRE, 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Gene Myers
Celera Genomics
Title: Whole Genome Assemblies of the Drosophila and Human Genomes
October 2, 2002 (Focus on CG)
Time: 4:30, CoRE, 1st floor lecture hall, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Janos Pach
City College, CUNY and Renyi Institute, Budapest
Title: Crossroads in Flatland -- Toward a theory of geometric graphs

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Document last modified on August 18, 2000.